Possibility and Intention

Blog entries which look at situations from a ‘what if’ or possibility perspective. Thoughts around creating and manifesting what you wish!

All good things…

2009-08-15T09:31:09-06:00By |Business, Friends, Music, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality, Technology|

Several things today....#1...if you've visited my www.bbwebb.tv site lately.....weeeelllll....you'll see that, 'where'd it go.' It has been confiscated by a swarthy band of pirates.... B.B.W.E.B.B. Big-Time *Backyard Wrestling* Experience Get offa my lawn!!" That certainly brought a chuckle my way! This is what happens when one of the many sites you've secured, (the key site [...]


2009-08-14T00:01:32-06:00By |Dancing, Energy Healing, Friends, Music, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

'Facing Cancer....with Love and Laughter.' WHAT???? Don't just HOLD the bus, STOP the damn thing!!! What??? Chill with the jargon and happy smiles folks. 'Love and Laughter'??? Love, okay....but laughter?? There is NOTHING I'd find one damn bit funny about learning I had cancer. And don't give me, 'well, their sentiment.' Morons. Really. I have [...]

The Gift of Receiving! Part 3

2009-08-09T09:56:37-06:00By |Business, Friends, Music, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality, Television & Other Media|

So....'The Gift of Receiving Part 3.' I've been chatting about....oooh........this and that....our ability to receive, accept the cool things which come our way.....I invite you to read on.... The other evening, when shopping at Nordstom’s ‘Off the Rack’, I had to call my dear friend 2Lu to say…’Oh my God 2Lu…you’ll never believe what I [...]