Possibility and Intention

Blog entries which look at situations from a ‘what if’ or possibility perspective. Thoughts around creating and manifesting what you wish!

The Time It Takes…

2011-05-30T09:25:31-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

I'm wondering a bit at the time it takes to reinvent your world. A tad hard to determine in exact measure, but it certainly takes awhile. And for me, it sets any old routines a-kilter a bit...and frankly, I'm rather fond of 'a-kilter'. I like creating new, bold strokes, moving with some speed. Yet, this [...]

The Vulture…

2011-05-15T09:37:48-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

We're all quick to judge, certainly at times. I find myself tucked under a blanket this cool, LOVELY May morning...listening to the sounds in my back forest, activity under cover of green, always exciting, fresh, new, settling to me. I yesterday worked with my favorite healer/massage therapist, Janice Davy. Her combination of disciplines ALWAYS leaves [...]


2010-09-19T22:25:38-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

Might we consider the opportunities available to us everyday. I was considering today how many ways there are to look at any one situation. How many ways there are to look at a person. At ourselves. At the world I suppose. I'm lately noticing my own perceived limitations. Lovely really, for then I have an [...]