
Bury Me Please Under a Dogwood Tree

2010-04-12T21:00:54-06:00By |Poetry|

    It's a small request, but one that suits me. The Dogwood. Graceful, poised with her perfect blossoms and statuesque build. She sneaks in behind the eager daffodils, an ACT 2 harbinger to spring. Magically she arrives on stage, like a ready dancer, her arms held so perfectly poised. Sturdy is this beauty, independent [...]

For Johnny Pole….

2009-12-10T22:24:48-07:00By |Poetry|

Anne Sexton, the woman and poet, intrigued me greatly as a young woman. Her personal story I found fascinating, her death, shocking and her friendship with Sylvia Plath I understood. One of my favorite poems of hers is 'For Johnny Pole on the Forgotten Beach'. I have a brother named Johnny who I love dearly. [...]