People I Admire

Just that, people who inspire, delight, challenge or confuse me.

Would you date yourself? & other musings around love.

2009-07-20T22:12:21-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

Well okay....I promised a treatise on love and "would you really want to date yourself,' (see below from earlier last evening). Though suddenly I'm not in the mood. Only enough to lives in the 'big picture' and it need have no definition. It's a vibe which needs no boundaries, just space 'to be,' to [...]

It’s a new day.

2009-07-18T16:07:43-06:00By |People I Admire, Reflection, Spirituality, The Arts|

I love that. Every day. New. An opportunity to do better, enjoy more, to test my compassion, embrace my passion. Or in my case today...just float from moment to agenda, just free. Needed. Good. And here, a favorite artist of mine...Lovely Nina Simone. She says it so well. Close your eyes and just try [...]

The Awwwesome, (though often misinterpreted), Power of the Internet!!

2009-07-16T19:35:20-06:00By |Business, Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Television & Other Media, The Arts|

It seems that my beautiful event venue, (Carl House), got in the crossfire of some misinterpreted blogging under my own pen, (or rather keyboard). A frightened bride misunderstood my post, (forgive me). I'm a fairly transparent personality, compelled somehow to share the ups and downs and turnarounds in my life, with the hope that I'll [...]

The BIG and the small.

2009-07-15T22:59:44-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Reflection, Relationships|

I don’t like small. I’m not attracted to ‘small.’ Small thinking, small efforts, small commitments, small dogs, ferrets or weasels. I feel like a giant around tiny people. I’m not a trinket person and prefer big earrings and bracelets that clank rather than tinkle. (However I was not an endorser of big hair in the [...]

Enlightened Stupid Marketers!

2009-07-03T12:58:17-06:00By |Business, People I Admire|

I appreciate juxtaposition. I appreciate smarts. I most of all appreciate humor in all areas of my life. And oooh, did I need a laugh at this point in my day and at this evolutionary point in my business. There are a LOT of very talented people in the world. And yeah, I just wanna [...]