
Do Not Go Gently….

2009-11-14T20:04:11-07:00By |Passion|

I have not birthed children however I have birthed and mothered many other things. I certainly mother my animals, step children at one time, friends when they need that sort of care and of course my businesses and creative endeavors. I've made mistakes with these 'children', enjoyed a few triumphs and certainly felt heartache earning [...]

The Way We Were…

2009-11-07T03:50:28-07:00By |Passion|

Music has quietly been a part of my life throughout the years. I'm not a collector but more a random 'stumbler' upon all kinds of music....I don't even know how to categorize it all. I've had times where I stopped listening to music for a spell, I wanted no outside noise or influence....and then other [...]

I’m in Love…

2021-10-10T08:59:00-06:00By |Fun, Passion|

I'm in love!  No, not him....he's not ready for me yet.....I'm in love with a fish, or rather, mammal. I'm not only in LOVE.....I want to BE a Beluga Whale. Just for a month or so. Well, maybe longer. A summer perhaps. There I was, busy with my day, dashing off to work, on the [...]