
Your preference…

2011-01-02T22:21:49-07:00By |Creativity|

  Planning has begun. Camera man (30 years with WSB) Dave Darling, husband to my pal Janice Darling, will begin taping a handful of my favorite stories, (which have appeared on this very blog) to go onto my BB Webb You Tube channel. If you would like to see one story or another read, performed, [...]

Time to Re-Consider

2010-12-28T10:23:50-07:00By |Creativity|

I say yes to friends. Yes to fun. Yes to family. Pink Hair.... Yes to travel, adventure, creativity, dogs, cats, snow..... Sisters with red hair. New profit centers. Getting rid of the clutter. Good books, new ideas, New recipes, Colorful restaurants, Dinners with friends. Peace. Brothers...... And so, sooo much more. Time to [...]

Jealously I ask, How high IS the moon?

2010-12-18T07:55:29-07:00By |Creativity|

Sooo......I spent my day off working 10 hours on our new Carl House website edits. Crazy eh? Working from home is a treat and something I relish and it almost FEELS like a day off. And I consider, if I weren't doing THAT, what MIGHT I be doing. I might be rehearsing a story to [...]

Breaking the Shell

2010-10-10T09:14:37-06:00By |Creativity|

Ever feel as though you're incubating.....under the warmer like a chick in an egg, waiting for the right time to hatch? I appreciate what Mr. Scptt-Maxwell has to say.     "You have neat, tight expectations of what life ought to give you, but you won't get it. That isn't what life does. Life does [...]

Add a Green Screen to Your World and….oh boy!

2010-09-05T09:00:25-06:00By |Creativity|

I'm adding a Green Screen (ChromaKey) to MY world and I'm as excited as I've been in quite some time... If you are not familiar with the attributes of a Green Screen, allow me please to share. A Green Screen is used in filming, giving the advantage of adding whatever backdrop you choose to the [...]