
A Next Chapter

2023-01-31T11:39:41-07:00By |BB's Next Chapters Blogs, Challenge, Change, Compassion, Creativity, Expansion, Fun, Gratitude, Heart, LIfe, Passion, Reflection|

A Next Chapter by BB Webb We’re all constantly writing ‘next chapters’ to our lives, to our routines through opportunity, inspiration, boredom, or misfortune, forced by death or coaxed by our own desires, ambitions, and curiosity.  My last inspired big shift was prompted after a visit to Bozeman, Montana to celebrate my brother’s birthday and [...]

Lightness and Being…

2011-07-01T08:20:42-06:00By |Change, Creativity, Possibility and Intention|

There is a shift happening on our planet...a major shift. And I feel myself moving to new places....I'm not 'myself' for 'myself' is changing. As I feel the 'old' in my world coming up again, feelings, situations that I recognize, I realize they are the mirages I need to catapult me elsewhere.....somewhere more fitting for [...]

It Started with A Teal Circle…

2011-06-11T11:04:08-06:00By |Creativity| the middle of a luscious brown cement floor. I love discovering new spaces which FEEL right to me.I walked into the Athens Salon and Spa and was immediately inspired, by the colors, the decor, the product line (Bb shampoos and conditioners), the jewelry and the entire business model which each practitioner demonstrated will skillfull [...]

Yeah Jack….Yeah…

2011-05-16T22:20:39-06:00By |Creativity|

It bares...bears....beeeairs...... repeating.... 'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders [...]

Now is the time for all good….hmmmmm…

2011-03-23T20:01:39-06:00By |Creativity|

...for all good men and women, to come to the aid of their soul's purpose!! Timing is NEARLY everything, along with a mind, heart and spirit READY to move. And I am ready to move. The drag before the 'boing' has felt like forever to me though after a crisis of sorts (how long has [...]

It’s Probably Robert Duvall

2011-03-11T16:39:42-07:00By |Creativity|

So many roles he's played over the years. He's special. As a backdrop to some evening work earlier this week, I watched 'Sling Blade' with Billy Bob Thornton, (another peach of an actor). Robert Duvall as his father was brilliant. (And Dwight Yokam the perfect manipulative, arrogant, self serving, pushy ass, covering an insecure, misdirected [...]

Bloom Where You Are Planted!

2011-02-01T18:45:53-07:00By |Creativity|

The team at Carl House have been having a ball meeting brides, brides, brides over the past few weekends!! We appeared the last two weekends at the GA Bridal Show Events....(great turnout) in both Gwinnett and Athens and last weekend at the Bridal Extravaganza!  WHAT a show it was! Carl House Table: Bloom Where [...]

Create this…moment.

2011-01-27T19:54:36-07:00By |Creativity|

I'm breaking away from my zip zip duties for a moment to bear witness to my own 'BB Webb journey'. I thought of something queer...odd. Of course every moment we experience is NEW, but I've been noticing how certain actions seem especially new. (I've not taken LSD, I'm merely noticing what has gone perhaps unnoticed [...]

Keep the dream alive.

2011-01-22T07:02:32-07:00By |Creativity|

I am reminded to create my own 'story'. My own story. I encourage you to create your own as well. And a reminder, should you choose, to not lose your heart, flexibility or courage despite how the world and people prompt you in doing so. I remind myself this evening, regardless of the fatigue I [...]