
Through a Woods Clearly

2009-11-29T19:27:37-07:00By |Change|

These times are trying pellet, then two, the third sneaks up on you...not full shots, just little annoying hits, trying to take one off course. But my course is clear, it always has been....though the road I travel keeps changing. And it is this time of year I think of Robert Frost. His words [...]

You Got Something…and I’m Gonna Gitcha!

2009-11-13T02:50:32-07:00By |Change|

This week's lesson. Go for what you want, go for what you need, move the negative out, bring the powerfully good in, in, in, in, in....and you'll know, you'll KNOW, when ya got sumpin.......and don't stop until YOU ARE SATISFIED. (It's your life, yes)?!! [youtube=] Just say to yourself....'oh, oh yeah, I'm gonna gitcha, I'm [...]

Change is….

2009-11-11T00:00:56-07:00By |Change|

Exhausting..... And might I look back on 11-11-09 and say.....we were there then... we are here now.... and isn't the sky beautiful today. and look at the folks who surround me... quite lovely really....all quite lovely. I feel certain that is what will soon be said. BB Webb

We Americans….

2009-10-31T10:49:22-06:00By |Change|

What is happening? I watched, just this morning, Michael Moore's film, 'Sicko' (from 2007), while just earlier reading a blog about the recent credit card travesty and diabolical 'adjustment' meant to further cripple and keep Americans hostage. Having just reviewed the increase in healthcare costs for me and my employees and having in the same week [...]

Simple perhaps……though…

2009-10-29T07:50:27-06:00By |Change, Dancing|

We don't know what we don't know....until we know it.   And at that point, where the sky hits the sea, or the idea becomes form or the mosquito hits the glass, we are but awash in the ever unfolding process of becoming.   And on and on and on it goes.   Might we [...]

The choices we make…

2009-10-25T09:13:00-06:00By |Change|

Everyday we have an opportunity. I'm thinking of my two friends. I'm thinking of my friend with cancer and I'm thinking of my friend who feels she is at the end of her rope. My few best friends are facing challenging situations in their lives. As I sit with them, and as I send them [...]

Oh the people we meet.

2009-10-07T23:00:34-06:00By |Change|

Overall, (and remind me I said this), I'm having a love affair with life. And love affairs are interesting....they have their highs and their lows...but just as Jerry Seinfeld exclaims in one of his many (by me, beloved) episodes of the Seinfeld show, 'make up sex is the BEST sex.'  I'm grooving on the metaphor. [...]

The Times They are a Changin’!

2009-09-10T22:08:19-06:00By |Change|

I’m learning the profound difference between listening and hearing. I listen well, just don’t hear some things. I'm noticing when my defenses kick in and try as quickly as possible to become curious about it the defensiveness is NEVER about the other person, just li'l ole me. Quite freeing to realize this actually. I [...]

It’s not personal???

2009-07-10T23:25:19-06:00By |Business, Change, Relationships|

I unfortunately take WAY too many things in my life PERSONALLY, yes, all in caps. Perhaps I need too much approval. I have an unfortunate desire to be understood. (Forget THAT one). Being a business owner can really stink at times. Risk your life, do your best, stay up into the wee hours with worry [...]