
What Does it Mean to Turn a Corner?

2010-06-28T04:28:37-06:00By |Change|

It might mean your heart changes. Or that you let go of an old way of being. That you finally did what you've been intending for so long but didn't quite know how. Or that God, the Universe, that awesome essence, light, power, jump-started an initiative for you. Or maybe you just decided to stop [...]

I Feel the Earth Move…

2010-06-24T07:46:19-06:00By |Change|

....under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.... Those words were in my head soon after I awoke this morning. That and the memory that I'd dreamt I tattooed some emblematic design all over my face, a big blotch of blue on the right side, which I was happy I could cover [...]

How much?

2010-06-21T21:54:32-06:00By |Change|

How much is too much....of anything? Work, worry, 'down' time, wine time, control, fun, perfume, tv, talking, animals living in your home, family, sadness, alone time, being with people time, indifference, concern, defense, blame, ego, heart, hurt, caffeine, pressure, anger, flapjacks, Coco Krispies, disappointment, scheming, flying, creating, dreaming... Just thinking. Things are brewing. Keepin it [...]

Can’t Steal Happiness

2010-06-13T00:23:18-06:00By |Change|

The Weepies, (I've been on a year long kick with the Weepies) have great being,   'you can't steal happiness',   (I believe that to be true, or power unless you let someone TAKE it from you), and I like the thought that:   All my troubles are in the rearview mirror! Another Weepie [...]

A Squeaky Clean Ephiphany!

2010-05-20T22:59:04-06:00By |Change|

I bought a washer and dryer for my business got me to thinking. My life has been like a washer stuck on spin for a year or two... I'd best turn the switch.....rinse would be lovely....even wash. The spin has me at this point over-the-top dizzy. It's a good thing I can dance. It [...]

The flavor of change and connection really.

2010-05-16T14:45:52-06:00By |Change|

Curiously the number of readers of this blog are growing and I'm this morning wondering who you are? Where do you come from, what sparks your fancy? I'm readying for an about a week and a half, an adventure different from the day-to-day adventures that fill my life. I'll be going's a secret [...]

Losing Sometimes Isn’t So

2010-05-06T21:50:42-06:00By |Change|

I've been wading through more choices lately. People are people and we have differences. I am learning, after living all these years, to perhaps let go a bit more easily. But, in certain areas, it's not my nature. For as many changes as I initiate and with all my moving about, varied experiences, relationships that [...]

Move Forward!

2010-04-26T20:34:05-06:00By |Change|

I'm considering this past year. It's obvious to me how life is a bit like a flowing river….we like floating or swimming debris, caught in little eddies from time to time, or on the sideline, snagged in riverside sticks or waylaid near a beaver’s damn. And other times, swiftly sweeping past the river’s edge, onlookers [...]

Awake From A Dream And Back Again

2010-04-19T17:47:44-06:00By |Change|

I awoke, recently....with this paragraph steaming through my head.     'And so you ever greater authenticity. ....and always a connection to heart, which to me, is imagining the walk in another's shoes while standing solidly in your own. Listening for what you don't yet realize. Being open to the breath and wisdom between [...]

Palindrome of mercy AND hope

2010-04-09T09:33:32-06:00By |Change|

'WOW' is all I can say here. I encourage you to take under 2 minutes to look at what this young person created AND its message. Powerful to say the least; an inspired one minute and 44 second film created by a 20 year old. I continue to be inspired by the brilliance, generosity of [...]