

2010-09-19T22:25:38-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

Might we consider the opportunities available to us everyday. I was considering today how many ways there are to look at any one situation. How many ways there are to look at a person. At ourselves. At the world I suppose. I'm lately noticing my own perceived limitations. Lovely really, for then I have an [...]

When crashing comes…

2010-09-09T01:20:47-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

It's usually a sign. Something needs to go. Something. 'But what' you ask. 'But what? Won't my world come crashing down if I let go one leggo stick? Maybe. Or maybe you'll find a new supporting beam. 'Leggo my leggo' you protest! And boom, boom, boom.....a tumble goes that neat little world you kept yourself [...]

Falling Forward

2010-08-24T09:52:04-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

I felt it....this morning. Unable to sleep....doing my toss-turn-flop-head churning-dreaming thing I do when I can't sleep. (it's the dogs and their incessant licking that woke me.....oooooh, my pups....CLEAN pups)! Okay, Mercury's in retrograde (and more specifically, here) friend Louise keeps me up to date with such things. I'm never sure what that means though [...]

And then there was a shift…

2010-07-14T10:58:53-06:00By |Change|

Have you ever noticed when something shifts...needn't be a major life event, nonetheless, it's a shift of magnitude that takes place somewhere, somewhere within yourself. You wake with a new view of your world somehow. The greens are greener, the smells, better than you remembered. The house you've lived in for several years is more [...]

Freedom of WHAT?

2010-07-03T08:44:43-06:00By |Change|

  'It is great wisdom to know how to be silent and to look at neither the remarks, nor the deeds, nor the lives of others.' – Saint John of the Cross   A friend sent that quote to me the other week. Wisdom, knowledge and choice, to me, is freedom....assessing where your time is [...]