About BB Webb

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So far BB Webb has created 376 blog entries.

An adventure beckons…

2010-05-27T01:05:37-06:00By |Dancing|

I'm off on an adventure for the next little while. I hopped (I did, a red high heels), into my Blue speed racer car around 5:30 this evening and headed north....after a looooong week of the normal ups, downs and arounds. I felt as though I'd emerged from a tightly knit cocoon! The wheels [...]

I’m a bullet…a BB bullet….

2010-05-25T22:55:09-06:00By |Expansion|

(I wrote what is below two days ago.....and tonight I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all).... We are all much more capable of embracing life than we know.   I'm a bullet today.....a BB bullet. I am aimed and entirely on target.   It had to come eventually. The option of 'losing' is as [...]

Revelation Give it back, move along!

2010-05-23T09:33:29-06:00By |Compassion|

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." - Benjamin Disraeli And might I (cause he's ringing in my earballs and eyedrums this morning), paraphrase Dr. Jung's sentiment, love being, 'the process of gently guiding someone into themselves'. Noble intent indeed..... [...]

A Squeaky Clean Ephiphany!

2010-05-20T22:59:04-06:00By |Change|

I bought a washer and dryer for my business got me to thinking. My life has been like a washer stuck on spin for a year or two... I'd best turn the switch.....rinse would be lovely....even wash. The spin has me at this point over-the-top dizzy. It's a good thing I can dance. It [...]

The world I prefer…

2010-05-20T07:32:04-06:00By |Compassion|

[youtube=] Compassion rules. Love rocks and thoughtfulness, in my book of preferences, makes me 'off-the-charts' weak in the knees. Do something thoughtful for someone today. Just do. BB Webb

I wonder?

2010-05-19T22:33:49-06:00By |Expansion|

I wonder how I will look back on this period in my life 5 years from now. I'll wonder how I made it through. I'll consider the relationships, ups, downs, arounds and how much I learned from it all, consider the people I still love, whether they are active in my life or not. I'll [...]

It’s not WHAT you’re doing that matters…

2010-05-16T19:14:13-06:00By |Expansion|'s how what you're doing AFFECTS you that matters. Where are activities, beliefs, people, your 'story' a decoy to what is true in you?? Holding secrets, (not the kind I was referring to in my last post), or being true to who you really are, being less than real to yourself, or the ones you [...]

The flavor of change and connection really.

2010-05-16T14:45:52-06:00By |Change|

Curiously the number of readers of this blog are growing and I'm this morning wondering who you are? Where do you come from, what sparks your fancy? I'm readying for an about a week and a half, an adventure different from the day-to-day adventures that fill my life. I'll be going's a secret [...]