About BB Webb

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So far BB Webb has created 376 blog entries.

Can’t Steal Happiness

2010-06-13T00:23:18-06:00By |Change|

The Weepies, (I've been on a year long kick with the Weepies) have great being,   'you can't steal happiness',   (I believe that to be true, or power unless you let someone TAKE it from you), and I like the thought that:   All my troubles are in the rearview mirror! Another Weepie [...]

Your Hungry Ghost…Hope is Dangerous

2010-06-12T10:23:53-06:00By |Expansion|

  News alert to my psyche...hope (the context I know) is dangerous. I'm sitting with an awareness this morning of what a therapist I used to 'hang out with' called, 'the hungry ghost'. This ghost, to me, is the one that holds on to some belief, some aspiration of change, transformation, illusion, (mostly in others) [...]

Ooooh Mary…..sweet

2010-06-09T07:29:51-06:00By |Uncategorized|

The power of had Theresa Anderson on their main page this morning..... a new talent to me. Ahh the fiddle. Ahh the voice. Makes me (and clearly), Mary, weep! [youtube=] BB Webb

If I Had My Druthers…

2010-06-09T00:51:50-06:00By |Fun|

There would be a big band playing in my ballroom every weekend. There would be all manner of great friends and acquaintances present having a terrific time, lots of seasoned dance partners and I'd be dancing every song until each muscle in my body burst with joy and utter fatigue. I miss Glenn Miller. The [...]

It’s all in the details, though, maybe not

2010-06-07T19:21:26-06:00By |Reflection|

I'm considering the importance of details in some matters and then again, not, in others. In my business, you bet, and accountability measures ARE being put into place at every switch and turn. I'm surveying it all, and finding that just like a bolt can become loose on a bicycle, so can the details in [...]

Rethink Your Assumptions

2010-06-06T02:00:07-06:00By |Expansion|

This line of thought came to me today. It's a good thought. Consider your assumptions. I'm looking at mine. We really don't know so many things...why people do what they do, who really is watching over us, loving us, in the seen and unseen, why events in our life occur the way they do. I'm [...]

I sight.

2010-06-04T00:26:23-06:00By |Gratitude|

  The ability to see, to really SEE and its blessing, strikes me this moment. To see, to be seen, I sight, eyesight. How fortunate are we, am I. Eye! Aye! BB Webb

It’s not what you’re DOING that matters…..

2010-06-03T11:40:07-06:00By |Expansion| much as the intention behind your actions. How 'Zen' of me you might say....or not.... I watched a typical Hollywood-esk movie this evening with my 'caretaking' friend....we've watched a few during my recouping time this week. I was struck (again) at how narrow our vision of 'reality' or 'truth', 'a truth' or 'belief' is [...]

Quantum Change Over Cheese and Laughter

2010-06-02T23:20:37-06:00By |Expansion|

I have been sleeping a lot during my eye surgery recovery and dreaming. I dream a lot anyway....while awake and especially when asleep. Maurice Sendak's characters are tame compared to what show up on my inner HD widescreen. I've also had time to stop the normal fast spinning ferris wheel of my life for a [...]

What I see today

2010-05-30T02:00:20-06:00By |Compassion|

I'm midway along this new adventure, a surgery in fact (and as my pal Lulu and I love to say, 'the details don't matter', as often they don't). I traveled to have some eye repair, my first reminiscant surgery when I was 7 years old, then 8. I'm in good care with a doctor I [...]