About BB Webb

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So far BB Webb has created 376 blog entries.

Seven Years Ago Today…

2010-07-05T07:07:27-06:00By |Gratitude|

I opened my Carl House business. Seven years ago there was so much I did not know. Seven years ago I demonstrated 'moving forward as if' if I could create whatever my mind imagined, and more. Seven years ago today I was, like today, dreaming up things and seeing what would happen 'or better' [...]

Survival of the Fittest You Say?

2010-07-04T08:02:00-06:00By |Heart|

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin And might I add to Mr. Darwin's theory...the ones whose hearts are open. And, you can't know the difference until you've experienced that openness. And when you feel it again close, [...]

Freedom of WHAT?

2010-07-03T08:44:43-06:00By |Change|

  'It is great wisdom to know how to be silent and to look at neither the remarks, nor the deeds, nor the lives of others.' – Saint John of the Cross   A friend sent that quote to me the other week. Wisdom, knowledge and choice, to me, is freedom....assessing where your time is [...]

A morning in my office

2010-06-29T07:01:40-06:00By |Possibility and Intention|

Freedom of choice is a good thing....a VERY good thing when you can manage it. We're all responsible for our choices, eh! I'm liking mine today. Me and Ernie 'at the office'....(you will see my computer screen in the distance). I am filled with gratitude. BB Webb

What Does it Mean to Turn a Corner?

2010-06-28T04:28:37-06:00By |Change|

It might mean your heart changes. Or that you let go of an old way of being. That you finally did what you've been intending for so long but didn't quite know how. Or that God, the Universe, that awesome essence, light, power, jump-started an initiative for you. Or maybe you just decided to stop [...]

I Feel the Earth Move…

2010-06-24T07:46:19-06:00By |Change|

....under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.... Those words were in my head soon after I awoke this morning. That and the memory that I'd dreamt I tattooed some emblematic design all over my face, a big blotch of blue on the right side, which I was happy I could cover [...]

How much?

2010-06-21T21:54:32-06:00By |Change|

How much is too much....of anything? Work, worry, 'down' time, wine time, control, fun, perfume, tv, talking, animals living in your home, family, sadness, alone time, being with people time, indifference, concern, defense, blame, ego, heart, hurt, caffeine, pressure, anger, flapjacks, Coco Krispies, disappointment, scheming, flying, creating, dreaming... Just thinking. Things are brewing. Keepin it [...]

Chances Are…

2010-06-17T23:14:44-06:00By |Expansion|

We'll be redeemed. We'll be reunited. We'll be challenged tomorrow. We'll be surprised and delighted this next year. We'll wish we'd held back. We'll wish we'd bounced forward. We'll get more than we want. We'll not get enough. We'll feel misunderstood. We'll feel like a rock star. We'll feel heart breaking disappointment. We'll be surprised [...]

Blue Skies and it’s sometimes not what you say…

2010-06-15T00:04:14-06:00By |Reflection|

...but what you DON'T say that can be harmful. Communication is ticky. (ticky being a new favorite word). I was told by someone once....'communication is the response you get'. I don't know if I entirely agree with that. For instance, I might say to you, 'damn this workshop blows'. You might look at me aghast [...]