About BB Webb

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So far BB Webb has created 376 blog entries.

Life and business ARE stranger than fiction

2010-10-28T22:17:48-06:00By |Business|

I have just a moment this evening as I've been on a tear....probably not uncharacteristic, but a tear for sure. When I see what needs to be done...with utter clarity, damn if I'm not unstoppable. I feel a bit like a canon in those moments...once shot from my chambers I'm unstoppable. My team knows this, [...]

Hills, Railroads, New Rooms and Such

2010-10-23T17:30:44-06:00By |Business|

Such a title....but it rings true. The sound of the railroad lulls me in the office at Carl House as the calls come in, as I navigate personalities, work to keep everyone and myself on target, in line, clear of my vision and moving forward with support and clarity. There are hills, there are indeed [...]

Falling in Love

2010-10-17T02:20:01-06:00By |Expansion|

It's a choice....falling in love. A choice. We choose. There has been a lot of underground movement occurring in my world of late...taking me away a bit from my writing, from the me I thought I was to whoever it is I am becoming. I'm 'in love' with arriving to new and better places....of consciousness, [...]

Breaking the Shell

2010-10-10T09:14:37-06:00By |Creativity|

Ever feel as though you're incubating.....under the warmer like a chick in an egg, waiting for the right time to hatch? I appreciate what Mr. Scptt-Maxwell has to say.     "You have neat, tight expectations of what life ought to give you, but you won't get it. That isn't what life does. Life does [...]

Speechless….BB Speechless???…

2010-10-06T22:40:59-06:00By |Expansion|

Well, the world MIGHT stop on its axis would that be true....indeed, oooooh indeed, things are a'brewin.... and I take a pause to reflect a moment on it all. I take a deeeep breath and sit awhile. Something which ALSO happens far fewer than I hope it might in time. I'll intend it so! For [...]

The Extolled Virtues of the Bunn

2010-09-24T07:12:25-06:00By |LIfe|

I'm speaking Bunn-o-matic this morning. I enjoy coffee, rich, dark, freshly ground, brewed 'Joe', half caffeinated, half not, for no one enjoys BB on high octane....not even she. I heat my Land-o-Lakes non fat half and half, (an oxymoron if I've ever experienced one)....half and half of WHAT you's tasty to me and I'm [...]

The Many Parts of We

2010-09-20T21:37:13-06:00By |Relationships|

I am considering this evening the many parts of we....all of us, me, the people I know, the ones I know well, others not so, and the new ones gracing my world who I'm eager to know better.....then I consider, that less confident side of myself....'.if I don't muck up!' Quite a comment for [...]


2010-09-19T22:25:38-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

Might we consider the opportunities available to us everyday. I was considering today how many ways there are to look at any one situation. How many ways there are to look at a person. At ourselves. At the world I suppose. I'm lately noticing my own perceived limitations. Lovely really, for then I have an [...]

A roundabout she does go and go

2010-09-14T21:09:39-06:00By |Challenge|

With the cool weather I'm back to my favorite several mile trek taking a little over an hour to cover the ground I choose. It's good time for me, moving, breathing, allowing my mind to wander as it will. And, like getting a good night of sleep, I wonder, 'how is it I forgot how [...]