An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

Jealously I ask, How high IS the moon?
Sooo......I spent my day off working 10 hours on our new Carl House website edits. Crazy eh? Working from home is a treat and something I relish and it almost FEELS like a day off. [...]
It’s all in the timing
There is SO much to share, so much to write about....and at the moment, as I work toward the end of what has been one HECK of a year....I have little time for my favorite [...]
Entrances and Exits…Tender is the Day
There has been much shifting afoot and 'things' seem to be sorting themselves out, though certainly not always with total ease. My friend Karen, (beloved wife of my now deceased and treasured mentor Tony Montanaro) [...]
Yes, Come Together….Right Now!
Just do it! Hallelujah BB Webb
And so it goes…drip, drip, drip.
One drip of consciousness into the next....our slow awakenings. Mine come slowly and then periodically, in solid and sudden bursts. BOOM! We see. We hear. We know. We know, on NO uncertain terms we see [...]
Bob Banta births BB….Awwww Dad!
I hadn't put it together until just this evening, but my father, Bob Banta, (who dubbed me Barbara Suzanne Banta) was a BB as well. Happy Birthday to my father, Bob Banta. He died some [...]
General…..Manager? Thank You Betty White!
A major 'aha'....(they're coming like popcorn kernels these days) hit me like a small stone on the head this morning. I've felt changes brewing within a lot over the last weeks and months....(I've had a [...]
About Face, Facebook…and other ‘Not So Honeymoon Tales’
I'm working on a new talk which I'm eager to get out and about throughout not just my neck of the woods, in and around Atlanta, but globally somehow. And yes, in PERSON, not just [...]
And if you knew you were dying soon…
How would you conduct your life? We've all considered this, or pondered the thought at least momentarily. I would fret so much less over the seeming big things which distract me, make me sad, frightened [...]
The Real Reason
I was reminded as I sat quietly this early morning....a full day ahead of me of relative freedom.... Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in [...]
And then the net lifted.
I'm enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn't the best word, but it'll have to do for the moment. I felt a net [...]
Play, play….time to play!
For a woman who works the hours I do...certainly of late, I am reminded this early Sunday evening the necessity for play...with people we love, who 'get' parts of who we are. My [...]
The offense of taking offense.
When I'm stressed out, I can't breathe. It all makes perfect sense. One of our most basic functions is breathing. We don't think about it much until it becomes difficult. I've grown tired this week [...]
Careful ’bout that wink
Almost Friday. Each week like a bourbon splash or flirty fast wink. With more fodder for stories. This week a topper! I've written, set aside the words, written some more and ooooh, set it aside. [...]