An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

Can’t We All Just Get Along???
I've mentioned the menagerie of animals I house and lovingly care for in earlier posts. They're, (I think), a rather unique (and most precious) crew. I've raised all but one since they were newborns [...]
The Awwwesome, (though often misinterpreted), Power of the Internet!!
It seems that my beautiful event venue, (Carl House), got in the crossfire of some misinterpreted blogging under my own pen, (or rather keyboard). A frightened bride misunderstood my post, (forgive me). I'm a fairly [...]
The BIG and the small.
I don’t like small. I’m not attracted to ‘small.’ Small thinking, small efforts, small commitments, small dogs, ferrets or weasels. I feel like a giant around tiny people. I’m not a trinket person and prefer [...]
Waiting for God…ot…Godot
I was drawn to absurdist and existentialist theatre in college. I couldn't completely wrap my arms around it, and that was part of the beauty, some of the fascination for me. I found Beckett's Waiting [...]
What I believe.
I subscribe to a post that subscribes to the belief that, 'Thoughts become things,' reminding its readers to 'choose the good ones!' I get daily reminders which help me. I like that they are [...]
The REAL Reason…
I have a mission statement for my life. I took it from the lovely artist, Brian Andreas.He creates stories with drawings he calls 'Story People.' I really like his work. My favorite piece is one [...]
I opened the book presented to me and voila….page 51
A most prophetic page and number for me. A most special time in my life. Turning point rich. 'Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.' [...]
I've been pondering forgiveness after a lengthy conversation with a peer and good friend. I'm not sure which is more challenging, forgiving ourselves of errors or others where we feel hurt....or asking for forgiveness when [...]
It’s not personal???
I unfortunately take WAY too many things in my life PERSONALLY, yes, all in caps. Perhaps I need too much approval. I have an unfortunate desire to be understood. (Forget THAT one). Being a business [...]
I confess….I’m a cornball
I watch Bing Crosby movies. I love the dancing, the corny songs, the affected acting...I love it all. Cyd Charisse, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers....they rocked. Talk about disciplined artists. They made it look so easy [...]
My fish died today
It's true. I try not to get attached to people, animals, situations in my life, feelings, habits, goldfish, oooh, I could go on, but I do. I liked my fish. I know this all sounds [...]
I love sleep buuuuuttt…and other random musings
I relish a GREAT night of sleep but resist going to bed.....always think I'll miss something. There I sit late, late into the night writing, or thinking, or watching some movie which is giving me [...]
I’ve got an idea! A Creativity Salon…
To me, we're brought onto the planet to create, to fulfill our individual soul's purpose....AND we ALL have the inherent ability to create on some level. Just my theory. It might be by being the [...]
Remembering Tony
I can't sleep tonight, (it happens a lot), and find I'm wide awake remembering....images from past times running across my brain like a movie. There is a lot of great 'shifting' taking place for me [...]