An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

The Gift of Receiving! Part 2
So, in 'Part 1' I was about to discuss how a gift came beautifully my way. I knew time away from my work and home was imminent. I'd muscled through, (with loving assistance…yes, a gift), [...]
The Gift of Receiving! Part 1
I have several things on my mind and in my heart this evening. I am working on becoming a better receiver. No, not football, that just doesn’t capture my interest and certainly not my heart. [...]
How you do anything is how you do everything…
And no, I'm not YET in loooooove with my new Apple Computer. I'm expecting the same results from the way I've for decades worked a PC. Silly goose that I am....I have to learn a [...]
Priorities are what you spend your time on…
A busy week leading to a weekend with needed breathing space. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... I'm mesmerized by the thought that: 'priorities are what we spend our time on.' I look back at my week and find myself [...]
On the road with a view…
I most always have a song in my head. I'm not good at dreaming up tunes, though lyrics come easily to me. I remember times in my life through songs. Bonnie Raitt was my 'on [...]
Gutters and such…
When I was a kid, maybe 9 or pal, and cohort in adventure and all things fun, the rosy cheeked Ann Murray and I would play house, (along with all manner of games). But [...]
Dancing and Technology
I love dancing... I love technology. I love the two combined. Start em young I say... start em young!! [youtube=] They got me...I'm buying Evian and if I weren't locked into Verizon, TMobile might be [...]
Words are throwing themselves at me these last few days. I'm listening more lately. It's good. Sometimes to others, (not always), but to the quiet voices that enter my head IF I take the time [...]
Opaque, obtuse, transparent
[youtube=] I'm playing with words tonight. They can be such imposters, such posers, sneaky little devils! Ever have a thought in your head and a word just appears....KAPOW!! You may not be completely familiar with [...]
Holy Crap!!
Well, an interesting day to report indeed.....a lack of sleep, brings new light to areas within ourselves, (I find), that might need SPECIAL attention. Soooo how might I begin this blogging report. Isn't it interesting [...]
Be the Change.
In talking with a close and very dear friend of mine today, who is quietly, (always her way....God she inspires me), quietly battling cancer, I was drawn to a sentence I read in a new [...]
Random Acts…..awwwww..
Isn't this speeeeeecial. I think so! But hey, how come newscasters always have that 'voice' and bizzare inflection thingy goin on? [youtube=] And did you know there is an organization which support acts of kindness? [...]
Would you date yourself? & other musings around love.
Well okay....I promised a treatise on love and "would you really want to date yourself,' (see below from earlier last evening). Though suddenly I'm not in the mood. Only enough to lives in the [...]
If this were my last day on earth…
I'm reading a small book with a big message given to me as a gift from my last intern, Erin, who worked with me throughout the spring at Carl House. I am currently busy with [...]
It’s a new day.
I love that. Every day. New. An opportunity to do better, enjoy more, to test my compassion, embrace my passion. Or in my case today...just float from moment to agenda, just free. Needed. Good. [...]