An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

It’s your birthday, yes it’s your birthday!
I created a small children's theatre troupe with some pals in Vermont during my college days, wonderful and talented rapscillions were they. Sweet, wry, musical Tom sadly died of AIDS over a decade or more [...]
Cancer Stinks! And maybe our thinking is limited.
My friend has cancer and she's just not yet jumping in to take care of it. I can't imagine what's going on in her mind and heart. She's so lovely. She's so dear to me. [...]
Imagination, Energy and Focus
I have a dear friend who lives in Maine; I've spoken of her before, the lovely and talented Karen Montanaro, wife of my beloved late teacher Tony Montanaro. She is a seeker like myself. Our [...]
News Alert….it’s fire season! of my ALL TIME favorite things to to sit on my luscious back porch, in the forest, stars up above, with a few key pals, animals strew about, a glass of rich, [...]
Dreamer? Romantic?? Me???
Well, I am the person who just wrote about the challenge of my constant distractions. Yes, I am, (a dreamer....), I love to create cool stuff, can spend hours and hours in contemplation [...]
Our ‘arriving’ and distractions inherent on the path…
I'm amused, distracted really by my own distractions.. Distraction: Origin: 1425–75; late ME (< AF) < L distractiōn- (s. of distractiō) separation. See distract, -ion 1. the act of distracting. 2. the state of being [...]
I’m in Love…
I'm in love! No, not him....he's not ready for me yet.....I'm in love with a fish, or rather, mammal. I'm not only in LOVE.....I want to BE a Beluga Whale. Just for a month or [...]
Health Insurance……Reform…..???….Huh???
[youtube=] BB Webb
When is loving just not so…
I have something I'm wrangling with today...the notion of how to really love well. I was thinking today about how mothers or fathers, husbands, wives, in an effort to 'take care of' each other, children, [...]
So Tell Me, What Was It Like For You?
I am considering that I might need to embrace rather than scorn the sleep that won't come to me. Perhaps I'm supposed to lie awake to hear something which I can't hear in my sleep. [...]
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck continues to be a favorite author of mine. I wasn't much of a reader as a kid though had a reading list I was required to complete before attending my new school in [...]
The ‘Religion’ Thing…
Religion and politics can rile even the most mild mannered citizen. Much as pets and children can 'steal the show', heated debates around the aforementioned topics can reek havoc on relationships as to me, what [...]
oooohhhh things are brewing…
Know that things are brewing in my world and soon, everso soon I'll have fresh insights and rich stories to share...this is not just a hunch, this is a promise. And in the meantime, enjoy [...]
The Times They are a Changin’!
I’m learning the profound difference between listening and hearing. I listen well, just don’t hear some things. I'm noticing when my defenses kick in and try as quickly as possible to become curious about it [...]
Lighting Candles in the Dark…
The Weepies have a song named 'Lighting Candles' which hit me in a new way this very weekend. I've spent years and continue to find myself lighting candles in the dark. I couldn't find their [...]