An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

Simple perhaps……though…
We don't know what we don't know....until we know it. And at that point, where the sky hits the sea, or the idea becomes form or the mosquito hits the glass, we are but [...]
Are you a ‘Stuffer’???
Are you? Do you 'stuff' down what you're feeling....hold your tongue, distract yourself with 'happy thoughts' or pout away because you just couldn't express what you were feeling? Do you tend to blame the other [...]
The choices we make…
Everyday we have an opportunity. I'm thinking of my two friends. I'm thinking of my friend with cancer and I'm thinking of my friend who feels she is at the end of her rope. My [...]
At the end of her rope…
I'm wondering....what does one do when they feel at the end of their rope? I'm thinking of someone I am very, very close to....I've known her all my life. She's a most complex, emotional and [...]
The Road Not Taken…
Tonight....I Am Considering the Road, for me, Not Yet Taken... Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one [...]
The Children Storm
A little over 10 years ago I found myself in the new role of wife and step mom. Both proved to be challenging roles for me though I certainly gave it my ALL. The lessons [...]
Ever hear yourself talking or writing and a word from SOMEWHERE comes out of your mouth or on the page and you wonder 'where did THAT come from?' or you wonder, 'when did I learn [...]
Jeannette Rankin, a woman among men, among women…
I recently served as Mistress of Ceremonies for the Jeannette Rankin Foundation annual dinner, held in Athens, GA. I've known of this organization for a number of years and had the opportunity to interview its [...]
I am considering this evening how differently we all view the world. We all have our 'world view'. I like being around people with an expanded vision of what is possible. I was introduced to [...]
Knowing your heart.
Knowing your heart. At the end of the day, we answer only to ourselves and perhaps our higher power. As I go to bed I review my day and assess, have I endeavored [...]
Oh the people we meet.
Overall, (and remind me I said this), I'm having a love affair with life. And love affairs are interesting....they have their highs and their lows...but just as Jerry Seinfeld exclaims in one of his many [...]
Jimmy Carter…Losing his Religion for Equality.
I spent a lovely weekend with some new and old friends eating, drinking, sharing ideologies and stretching what I know, what I believe, how I see the world and certainly my next steps. My dear [...]
Trees, Swallows and Carpenter Bees
Trees, Swallows and Carpenter Bees Trees and swallows fill the air As my head tilts cloudward. Like a mother with her baby, My hammock cocoons me, while buzzing carpenter bees build. Summer days on the [...]
I feel an adventure brewing…
Whenever I read Tom Robbins, I get a hankerin to hit the's a must now and again....usually alone, though often with someone I know along route or at my destinations end, and on fine [...]