An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

The Passing of Time and Times…
A friend of mine died this weekend. It was sudden and the details don’t matter. This news felt like a kick in the gut, I literally felt all the blood rush to my head as [...]
Man’s Arrogance
I heard this just today... it's mans supreme arrogance that he can screw up his life. I believe in divine order and that all suffering stems from human attachment and ego. At least that's my [...]
That Path of Good Intentions…
Some days I feel that life is quite random and then others, entirely planned, the universe having it’s perfect reaction to shift and turn us where we need to go, where we need to wake [...]
Debbie Reynolds said it…
I heard the 1955 film entitled, 'The Tender Trap.' 'If you have a plan, and believe in your plan, you'll get what you want.' If Debbie said it, I believe it....even though it was [...]
‘One must still have chaos in oneself… be able to give birth to a dancing star.' I didn't say that, it was all Friedrich Nietzsche...that wily German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900. He also said, 'There is always [...]
Company Party
Company Memo FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director TO: All Employees DATE: October 1, 2009 RE: Gala Christmas Party I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23rd, [...]
Joy…..Unadulterated Joy….
All there for us, for the taking if we can REMEMBER..... How I love dogs. They are so IN THE MOMENT and FULL of joy. And how beautifully emphasized, showcased in this delightful Christmas spirited [...]
The Work We Do….
I've been fortunate that most of my life I have been able to do the sort of the work I choose. Certainly there have been jobs in the interim, short term jobs which got me [...]
For Johnny Pole….
Anne Sexton, the woman and poet, intrigued me greatly as a young woman. Her personal story I found fascinating, her death, shocking and her friendship with Sylvia Plath I understood. One of my favorite poems [...]
There by the Grace of God Go I….
Isn't it the truth. How many times have I known, for SURE, that angels were hovering about me as I did one stupid thing or another....drove like a maniac and should have run head long [...]
Is it ‘just weather’?
I wrote a piece, keynote talk, performance, I don’t know….called, ‘It’s Just Weather, Embracing Possibility Thinking or How to Find Your Twirl.’ In this piece I share stories about ‘moving forward,’ moving forward despite the [...]
It’s the little things…
I've a word filling my mind this evening. Sustainability I'm not sure why. Words get lodged in my brain until I pay attention. I'm not sure who is knocking on my noggin at these times....but [...]
Hurt and Sober
I learned a boatload today and I feel all the growth pains. At the moment it feels just awful. I know I have angels who swarm around and protect me (from myself mostly) and who [...]
Through a Woods Clearly
These times are trying pellet, then two, the third sneaks up on you...not full shots, just little annoying hits, trying to take one off course. But my course is clear, it always has been....though [...]