An assortment of short pieces, old and new, about life, business,
and the pursuit of being more wise, loving, present, and in a state of grateful flow in life!

Keeping the light on.
With the myriad of dense energy I've found myself mucking about in lately, realizing my inner zing and joy was a bit diminished, I knew it was up to me, and only me to turn [...]
Our greatest gift…
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin, Author and Activist Our greatest gift to ourselves and certainly to another person, is to [...]
Unprecedented Times and aren’t we indeed the beneficiaries!
Wow! NOW I'm REALLY curious. When God wants to get your attention, dang if he/she isn't persistent. I'm getting it, I'm getting it....really, I am...and I'm laughing here because, damn, for a rather bright woman, [...]
Arriving Where? said my ego, bent out of shape and scared….
...the ego is always scared. He's the bully in the playground, the boaster of wealth, the Joker, the cocky one who claims to know 'the way'. He/she is always in attack/protect mode. I know! I'm [...]
The steamin’ high road…potholes and all…
Today was like driving an old truck up a dry creek bed....the ups and downs of emotions like bobbing buoys at sea. A line of thought came to me today... ....steam, turns to water, turns [...]
Courting Possibility.
I found myself today at the Duluth County Courthouse. I am guilty. I was going 60mph in a 45mph zone. I was hurrying, (typically my story), to a coaching session this past November, and honestly [...]
Finding Home.
I've felt a bit alien in my own skin and frankly in the world in which I live of late, astonished by what I perceive as the barren-ness of some, (I'll call them), 'belief systems' [...]
Just Keep Showing Up…
I'm at the airport, connected finally to the internet, waaaay early for meeting my sister-in-law in from Germany to visit during her layover, and somehow, (a first), I'm not interested in people the flood [...]
Art, Religion and the Search…
I feel perhaps I'm in a most pensive stage of late....I've got some serious questions and some serious discerning to do. It's almost like looking at a photo from the backside if there were such [...]
Travel in our world.
I'm so looking forward to some upcoming travel... [youtube=] Safety first, eh? BB Webb
Kathy and Mo AND Buckminister Fuller…all in a day.
I was asked to be on a panel years and years ago called, 'Creating Something From Nothing.' I could talk about that all day. I love to look back after a creation is complete, (or [...]
Entelechy and Your Life to Live.
I discovered a new word while reading early this morning....and I like it. ENTELECHY en⋅tel⋅e⋅chy [en-tel-uh-kee] n·tel·e·chy (ěn-těl'ĭ-kē) n. pl. en·tel·e·chies In the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; [...]
So evolved life fulfilled.
I was chatting with my pal 2Lu this evening. We were sorting through all manner of events and feelings and goals pronounced from the last few weeks....a time for rich growth for sure. And, on [...]
Ukraine’s Story in Living Art…
This is perhaps one of the most extraordinary 'Living Art' pieces I've ever witnessed. This video shows the winner of Ukraine’s 'Got Talent', Kseniya Simonova, 24 year old creator of a series of pictures on [...]
Silenced by the Stars…
It only took a moment, a look up toward the stars, and it halted me entirely on my path...just going out to feed the dogs, Ernie jumping high as he does, Bonnie moving to her [...]