“No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end.”
– Dan Zadra
And while we’re at it….
“Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first always.”
Dan Zadra
In thanks to my mother, ‘Kitty’, Kathryn Royer Vogel Myers Banta Richards Richards Vogel….a woman who knew change and was exemplary of a life lived with heart, passion and absolute forgiveness. She taught me the love of animals, convinced me I could do ANYTHING and demonstrated a heartfulness which fills me through each day I wake. She’s been gone physically from the planet for 12 years but lives fully in my heart every day.
She was a woman of steel who crumbled only in losing her breath and our breath, afterall, is the one thing we can’t live without for very long. Food, even water we can spare awhile, but breath, it is the stuff of heart. Breath is passion, something to wake up and be excited about with each day!
Love to all the mothers who nurture and grow our days. May they feel loved, protected, cared for and appreciated, each and every day.
With deep appreciation and gratitude to my mother. I’m not sure how, but my love grows stronger for you each and every day. It’s that love that pulls me through each challenge and every moment of EVERY day.
Ooooh, for the loving women in the world. Honor them, please.
BB Webb